Monday, August 13, 2007


The induction has been canceled and my next appointment is Wednesday. They will do another ultrasound and then I'll see my doctor.

I'm thankful that I've had a very smooth pregnancy to date (minus the morning sickness that lasted until 20 weeks), but boy have the past two days been stressful. I've been so afraid of making the wrong decision, but I do think giving him until the 42-week point is best.

My hope is that he will come tomorrow because my doctor is on call and in my opinion the timing would work out well. Of course I've learned time and again that what I think is best isn't necessarily the case (Isaiah 55:8-9), so we'll see what the Lord thinks. It could also be that the baby is waiting for my mom and sister to get here (they arrive Wed night) before he finally makes his grand entrance.

Only the Lord knows, so I am trying to constantly remind myself to just take it a moment at a time and remember that He is in control of it all.


Margaret said...

I think waiting was a good choice, as hard as it is to feel pregnant forever! You are in my prayers. I'm so excited for you. Everyone told me to enjoy the "babymoon" and I didn't. I freaked out because I felt like I was doing everything wrong. They joked me about taking her back too (I do that all the time too, Ben calls me a "second-guesser"!). Just relax and remember that one day you will be able to take a shower and go to the store normally, even though it won't feel like it when you have a newborn. I'm so excited for you!

Unknown said...

Jackie.. it's caroline barndt :) i was just checking your website to see if baby had come yet. for what it's worth, laura was born at exactly 42 weeks (scheduled induction but she came on her own 3 hours before we were to leave for the hospital!) and rachel was induced right at 42 weeks as well. both deliveries went fine - the induction was not as bad as i had thought it would be. either way will be God's way - and whenever he comes, it will be the best day of your life!!!!! we love and miss you and can't wait to see pictures!!!!!

Justin and Gi said...

Good choice, though I know it isn't the easiest choice since emotions run high and you are ready to hold him in your arms! But know that prayers are with you and Anthony and baby. I can't wait (I know you can't either) to see a picture of your baby!
Enjoy the last few days to rest.