Friday, December 07, 2007

2 New Favorites

These are two of our new favorites. I've been struggling to remember the food that I made before Graham was born, so I've been trying lots of new recipes. We don't always have success but get excited when we do. So if you are looking for something new to make I recommend both.

This is great to have when you have a cold.
I also added some cooked chicken, carrots, and a little pasta to give it more substance.

You'll have to click on this one to be able to see it.
The next time I make this I will use a baking dish instead of the pizza pan. This will allow all of the pasta to be covered by the topping and not dry out. I made this with whole wheat pasta and it was great. Since most ground beef comes in 1 pound packages, I cooked the whole pound with the onions and pepper and then set half of it aside for another meal later in the week.

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