So this month I am way behind with his monthly update. I thought about posting this many times over the past two weeks, but it never happened. Anyway, here's the scoop on the little man-
*At his 6 month check-up last week he weighed 19 pounds 4 ounces (79th percentile) and was 29 3/4 inches tall (99th percentile).
*He loves to be read and sung to. He doesn't have any favorite books yet, but smiles really big when I sing the ABC's and Scidamerinky Dink, Skidamerinky Doo (Anyone know the proper spelling of those words)!
*He grabs anything within reach. It's like he has little claws and they don't stop until they grasp something.
*He is getting closer to being able to sit on his own. He does well as long as someone is nearby to catch him when he moves and loses his balance.
*He shows little interest in rolling from his back to his belly. We hope this comes soon because it keeps him in the same spot when he sleeps at night. The flat spot on his head is very noticeable and we're praying that there aren't any long term side effects from it. Keep that in prayer for us too!
*He loves his daddy so much that he has learned to say his name. He says "dida" all day long. He doesn't connect it with Anthony yet.
*He likes to watch me put my hair in a ponytail- he watches with the biggest grin on his face.
*He still not very interested in food so we're not forcing it right now. We all know he's growing fine on what he's been getting :)
*He is a great helper in the kitchen- well really he just sits on the counter in his little booster seat and reaches for everything around him. I like having him up so I can give him the toys back that he drops rather than bending over to pick them up off the floor. I know, I'm lazy.
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