Saturday, April 19, 2008

He's 8 Months Old (and I'm on time for once)!!

Isn't he getting so big? It seems that this month he has become more of a little boy and is leaving the baby stage. Here's what he is up to:

*rolls both directions

*sits very well, although we still leave the boppy behind him if we leave the room. He gets off balance and falls if he gets too excited!

*can get on his belly from a sitting position

*crawls backwards

*loves to eat. It seems that one day he decided he liked to eat and has not looked back. He even gets upset when we have something to eat and he doesn't. We haven't found a food that he doesn't like. To date he eats- banana oatmeal, carrots, sweet potato, peas, avocado, yogurt, and prunes. He has also tried a lemon wedge which was quite comical, chewed on a cucumber, and chomped on a corn cob.

*his first tooth finally made itself visible on Thursday. It hasn't come through the gum yet, but is definitely there. I guess he averages out when compared to us- Anthony got his first tooth at 6 weeks and I didn't have any on my first birthday!!

*claps whenever we say "yeah"

*enjoys banging toys together

*loves to scream and seems to be getting louder by the day

*is sleeping much better during the day and at night. Last week I decided to stop feeding him when he woke up in the middle of the night. He cried for 2 hours and then fell asleep for 5 more hours. Since then he hasn't been getting up as much and even slept through the night (8:30-about 6:30) 3 times. If he does wake up he isn't looking to eat and doesn't stay up for very long. I've been able to put him in his crib awake for naps and he usually plays with the toys in there for a little while and falls asleep on his own. Needless to say I'm very pleased with these improvements!!

*was a belly sleeper for a week and now is back to sleeping on his back. We're prayerful that he will go back to sleeping on his belly for his heads sake. He has an appointment with the neurosurgeon on June 6th, so I'm hopeful that between now and then his head will reshape itself and he won't need a helmet.

*his favorite toys to date- spoons, cords, tags, and paper


MMS said...

YAY for sleep improvements! I know I felt really good about my "mom skills" when we finally got Noah's sleeping worked out. Those few nights of crying are hard, but it's worth it in the long run! I also love the photos! He's getting so big and is absolutely adorable!

Unknown said...

Wow, he is getting BIG!