Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I'm 7 Months Old

Graham's turned 7 months in the midst of having the stomach bug so that is my excuse for being late in posting his monthly update.

These days he:

*sits on his own

*rolls from back to belly and has forgotten how to roll the other way

*says "dada" and "mom" all day long

*typed on the computer as well as played the piano and percussion instruments at church for the first time

*still likes to read books and be sung to

*went down consistently for a morning and afternoon nap for about 3 weeks. Now he is on a sleep strike during the day and at night. Needless to say I'm not thrilled about this fact.

*he lost a pound while he was sick so I'm guessing he is probably somewhere back around 19.5 pounds or so

*in the last couple of days has decided that he likes all food including everything that we eat. He will longingly stare at us while we eat hoping to get a bite. He has eaten banana oatmeal, sweet potatoes, carrots, and avocado to date.

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