Saturday, February 07, 2009

Graham Goes to the Dentist

Last Friday Graham took an emergency trip to the pediatric dentist.

I was playing with him in the living room and about 45 seconds after I left the room to stop breathing kind of crying ensued. Anthony and I both rushed in to see what was wrong, not thinking it would be anything serious. At first he looked fine, but then the blood started flowing out of his mouth. I noticed that one of his bottom front teeth was out of place. We then spent a half hour trying to figure out what to do- take him to the dentist, go to his doctor, or go to the emergency room. We called his doctor and the nurse said that neither they, nor the emergency room would probably do anything for him. We have a dentist friend at church who recommended a pediatric dentist, so we made the appointment and took him there. The got a fuzzy x-ray of the tooth and the dentist decided to leave it alone. It may need to come out sometime in the future or it may just stay out of place until it falls out when he is older. He has been fine since it happened and now just runs around with a tooth poking in front of all the rest.

We still have no idea how he did it. He was near the entertainment center when we found him, but if he hit that with his mouth, then I would think the tooth should have been pushed back into his mouth. I guess it is Graham's little secret!

1 comment:

Brianna said...

Oh no! I feel your pain! And Laura Anne feels Graham's pain!! That is no fun at all. I hope his little mouth recovers quickly.