Sunday, March 22, 2009

My 6-Word Phrases

I really enjoyed coming up with the six-word phrases while at the conference. The first night we had to write one from before we were saved or before Christ had full reign in our lives. I looked mostly at what life was like in high school. I was saved, but worried more about impressing people than pleasing the Lord. Here are several that I wrote:

Own opinions rule, need God's Word!

Emotional roller coaster, much needed peace.

Immature and self-focused need much change.

Denying God's power and unspeakable peace.

I'm so thankful to have been able to go to a Christian college where God really got a hold of me and I learned so much about walking with Him, reading His Word, and was surrounded by people of a like mindset. It was a turning point in my life that I praise God for.

Anyway, at the end she had us write 6-word phrases for what we learned at the conference. Here are mine:

His plan is never a mistake.

Let Him fight, just trust instead.

Anthony's battles are not mine too.

People are not the true enemy.

He is worthy, make it known!

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