Saturday, May 02, 2009

The Things He Says

At Outback Steakhouse

Waitress: Hello, my name is ....

Graham (to the waitress): ninner, cheburger (dinner, cheeseburger)


Upon seeing me go through his bucket of cars:

"ear you are trator" (here you are tractor)


Me: Let me get you a fork for your dinner (found one in the dishwasher)

Graham: ear you are for (here you are fork)


What should we name the baby?

Graham: airpane, elicoper (airplane, helicopter)

We were out for a walk:

Me: Where is Graham's house?

Once we were in front of it:

Graham: ear you are Gam ous (here you are Graham's house)

After we found out what the baby was:

Me: Are you having a brother or a sister?

Graham: Ok

Me: Are you having a brother or a sister?

Graham: Ok

Me: Say brother

Graham: say broder (brother)


When we were in the waiting room at the doctor's office, Anthony found a photo album to look at

Graham: daddy, Bible

Apparently anything Anthony reads is the Bible. He'll take it! Graham must be used to seeing him read in the morning!

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