Reed is now a month old! It's certainly gone by fast!! He is growing like crazy and we're really starting to get to know this sweet little guy. Here's what we know so far:
*He skipped newborn diapers and is almost out of size 1.
*He wears 0-3 months and some 3-6 months clothing.
*He is still pretty sleepy, but we see more and more of his eyes each day. He tends to get fussy if he's been awake for too long and Mommy usually has to nurse him for a few minutes in order to help him fall asleep.
*He has been extremely gassy, which results in lots of painful cries. This is what led to he and I spending several nights during the first couple of weeks on the couch. I guess sleeping with Mommy helps to soothe the belly? This last week has brought tremendous improvement and he has been sleeping in his bed at night really well.
*We're starting to see a schedule unfold which I'm grateful for (not having one drives me crazy). He usually eats every 2 1/2 to 3 hours and has one 4-5 hour stretch at night (to bad Mommy isn't good about going to bed right when he is asleep). I praise God that he has not had any feeding issues.
*He loves to ride in the van.
*He likes to take baths.
*He is very ticklish, but just squirms since he doesn't smile or laugh yet!
*He has gone to Walmart, the mall, and out to eat several times. We're thinking it's time to go back to church since he has been to so many other places!
*He seems to have a serious face most of the time. We'll see if this ends up being the type of guy he is or if it is just because he doesn't smile yet.
*He is a good sport having put up with being hit, banged on, and screamed at by big brother. Thankfully there hasn't been any serious issues in that department.
*He misses GG, Gbob, and Julia already and can't wait to meet Grandma and Grandpa and everyone else in his family.
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