Monday, December 28, 2009

3 Months Old

A few days before Christmas Reed turned 3 months! Here is what he is up to:

*Wears size 3 diapers. Now he and Graham match!

*Any schedule I thought we had has changed. Now we go almost moment by moment and it drives me nuts!

*He seems to cry more because he wants to sleep rather than eat.

*He loves to see faces and smiles really big if you smile or talk to him.

*He talks more and more each day.

*His head control is much better. He is almost ready to play in his saucer that he got for Christmas.

*He has hands! And boy do those hands taste good to him!

*He is still ticklish all over and giggles and grunts when we get him.

*He doesn't sleep in the swing for 3-4 hours as often (sigh), but is taking naps in his crib. We need to work on lengthening them. 30-45 minutes just isn't enough for Mommy at least!

*He is starting to notice his toys and will hold them, although I don't think he knows they are there.

*He will get to meet Grandma and Grandpa on Friday!!

1 comment:

Justin and Gi said...

He LOOKS like you, Jackie!
And the scheduling stuff is for the birds. :)