Friday, August 17, 2007

Babies, babies, and more babies

I currently have 5 friends who are expecting within the next few weeks as well as a couple due in December. I was just checking some of my fellow bloggers blogs, and three of them are also expecting!! It certainly seems like babies are everywhere these days. Congratulations to all of you!!

I also want to say that I am thrilled to finally be able to meet my baby tomorrow. We will be going to the hospital at 6:00am, although I'm hoping that Caroline's comment about going into labor three hours before the induction is true for me too :) Regardless of how the labor is started, we are all very excited around here. Hopefully we'll be able to get the big announcement posted sometime tomorrow.

In other news, the pipes are starting to backup again so please pray that we can get this resolved quickly. I'm not too keen on having to have this major work done with a very newborn baby because we will probably have to leave the house since the water will need to be shut off. I know we'll make due and I'm hopeful that this little fellow will be able to go with the flow!!

1 comment:

happymcfamily said...

I know it's not your "ideal bringing home the newborn experience", but you know that you're always welcome at our house if need be. We can even set up the pack n play with built in bassinet and changing table for you if you want. Just give us a holler!