Friday, May 23, 2008

You Never Know

I meant to write this yesterday, but busyness got the best of us again!!

If you are at all familiar with the Christian Music industry than I am sure by now you've heard of the tragic death of Maria Chapman, the 5 year old daughter of Steven Curtis Chapman. I learned about this on the 10:00 news, just hours after it happened on Wednesday. I certainly cannot imagine what they are going through right now. I know none of them woke up Wednesday morning expecting that this would be the way they would end their day. I read a message posted by SCC's manager on a blog set up in her memory that this unexpected, life changing event did not surprise God. He is aware of what has happened and is right there, helping them through this. I hope I'm able to remember this whenever the unexpected, whether big or small, happens to me. Nothing catches God by surprise!!

And I know we're all praying for comfort, peace, and understanding for the Chapman's as they go through this.

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