Thursday, July 29, 2010

VBS Week

The week after our trip we came home to High Seas VBS. It was a lot of fun. It's the 4th year I've done Group's VBS program and I must say that I really enjoy their format. This year's theme was all about God's Word- it's true, comforting, surprising, life-changing, and for everyone. We had some busy days getting ready for it, but overall the week went well.

I was busy leading the craft station so I didn't get to take any pictures. Thanks Becca for posting these on Facebook!

Anthony led the music in the opening and closing each night.

Reed got to enjoy one on one time with Patsy (our nursery worker)

Graham got to participate this year!

He really liked the tie snakes they made to remember that God's Word is surprising
(they tied into the story of Paul getting bit by a snake but surprisingly didn't die from it)

He was overwhelmed by the end of each night, choosing to come into my room rather than sit with his group for the closing. I guess on this night it came a little sooner than the closing!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

"The journey begins. We're all getting in, into the Word of God!" LET'S GO! We did High Seas this year too.