I thought I'd share a little about my part.
I'm currently the T & T 3rd and 4th grade Director. In addition to leading my own small group, I make sure the large group lesson is taken care of and any other logistical things for the evening to come together. Thankfully Awana has a lot of structure and positions so it makes my job easy. It does take quite a few people to do this ministry effectively. Thankfully God has provided us with a great group of helping hands.
We begin each night with the Opening Ceremony and Anthony leads this. This includes all clubbers in k-6th grade. We say pledges, give out awards, pray, sing, and shout! The goal is to get them really excited about the evening.
After large group time we end the night with handbook time. The kids meet in small groups and go at their own pace through their handbook, learning and memorizing scripture verses. There are 5 leaders in addition to me in my room. We've divided the kids into two groups of girls and two groups of boys. I lead one of the groups of boys (you know since I don't get enough of them at home). I have a great group and have been impressed by how much they have learned already. T & T verses are long and the goal is word perfect memorization so they work hard to say them accurately.
I love how this program gives me the opportunity each week to explain scripture to these kids. I know personally how powerful God's Word is and pray that it will begin molding them into boys and girls who love God and His Word.
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