Thursday, March 31, 2011

Reed turns 18 months!

Last week Reed turned 18 months!!  It's hard to believe he is halfway to 2.  Here's some facts about him:

*He still eats meat and veggie baby food through a straw. Peanuts, crackers, cheese, bread and fruit still make up the bulk of his diet.

*He loves his blanket. We lay it down in his bed and he loves to snuggle it and he has recently realized that he can pull it behind him and it will follow.

*He can climb onto the couches and enjoys sitting there and sometimes covers himself up with a blanket.

*He enjoys hugging his stuffed animals, reading books, and watching Disney Junior.

*He taught himself how to throw a ball so now he loves to throw them (and toys and food too)

*His vocabulary is growing daily.  I know some of these are old, but I wanted a record of them, so here is what I can remember: ReeRee (Reed), Mommy, Daddy, GG, G-Bob, toys, play, car, ball, book, home, side (outside), walk, rollolloll (rollover), bath, juice, milk, popsicle, cookie, cheese, church, Jesus, bobey (obey), Bible, pray, aya (amen), eyon (beyond), Buzz, Nemo, shoes, socks, two, trash, no, mine, show, hi, bye, set, go, bed, night, red, blue, frog, horse, cow, cat, dog, giraffe, roar (for lion), blows with his mouth (for elephant), quack (for duck)

*He is an animal lover, always hearing and seeing them before any of us when we are outside.  We hope to get to the zoo in the next couple of months.  I can't wait to see his reaction to it!!

*He would live outside if he could. He brings us his shoes and ours several times a day.

*He is fearless, very trusting, or naive. I still can't figure it out yet. He walks/jumps off ledges and steps (often without warning) into our arms.  He almost walked in the lake without giving it a thought, but knows when he is on a bed or couch that he needs to turn around to get off.

*Sibling rivalry is in full force these days.  He has learned to throw fits if he doesn't get his way and he and G often fight over the toys each other has or they fight over me.  And so a whole new chapter of parenting begins :)

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